Events and Updates
- In 2017, we started a totally new program in collaboration with our local school district and the Center for Restorative Youth Justice (CRYJ): a summer job skills program. It was a wonderful success and The Flathead Beacon wrote a lovely article about it and our regular programs.
- First Annual Expressive Arts show, in collaboration with Art & Soul. The Beacon did an article on it and here are some photos.
- We won the Montana SLTC 2016 Exemplary Program award; nominated by case management. What an honor!
- The Flathead Beacon wrote up a cool piece about our program.
- Sanne Hijlkema, a filmmaker from the Netherlands, produced an independent documentary about our program, “The Country Side of Care”. Find it on our “Links” page.
- The Lifeside Farms program recently won the National “Promising Practices Award” from the Mather Lifeways Institute on Aging. We were really proud of that. Click here for more information
- The Flathead Beacon did a cool multimedia article about Flathead Care Farming recently (click here).
- The Daily Interlake wrote a wonderful article about our program after we one the national award. Click here
- MTPR did a great item on our program: MTPR item.
- As a fun and empowering event, we organize our annual obstacle course race for people with disabilities on Centennial Farm: the Care Farm Challenge! Click here to read more about the challenge.
- We send out periodic newsletters to those interested in our programs. Please find our recent newsletters below:
If you are interested in receiving the newsletters as they come out, please fill out the form below.